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Search Results for "TMS21 Lecture 15. Rebeca Ribeiro-Palau. Topological valley states in graphene"
TMS21 Lecture 15. Rebeca Ribeiro-Palau. Topological valley states in graphene/BN systems, part 2.
TMS21 Lecture 12. Rebeca Ribeiro-Palau. Topological valley states in graphene/BN systems, part 1.
Jun Zhu: Topological Valleytronics in Bilayer Graphene
Jennifer Cano: A Moire Superlattice on the Surface of a Topological Insulator
TMS21 Lecture 11. Oskar Vafek. Correlations and topology in twisted bilayer graphene, part 2.
Philip Kim: Induced Superconductivity in the Fractional Quantum Hall Edge in Graphene ...
Lecture 33 The Band Structure of Graphene
“Long-range ballistic transport of Brown-Zak fermions in graphene superlattices” by Julien Barrier
Topological states electrically induced in bilayer graphene
New results on crystalline graphene multilayers: intervalley coherence... ▸ Andrea Young (UCSB)
Exotic Superconductivity in Graphene Multilayers - Erez Berg, Weizmann Institute of Science
Correlated states in ABC trilayer graphene on hBN - Leni Bascones